Wir bei SCHROTH sind davon überzeugt, dass Investitionen in die beste Forschung und Konstruktion in der Branche zur Entwicklung überlegener Produkte führen. Das Unternehmen investiert kontinuierlich und erfolgreich in Forschung und Design. Unsere Patente sind der Beweis.
SCHROTH Safety Products believes that investing in the best research and design in the business leads to the development of superior products. The Company invests annually on research and design, and our patents represent that investment.
In accordance with Section 287(a) of Title 35 of the United States Code, the reader is hereby placed on notice of SCHROTH Safety Products’ rights in the United States Patents listed on this site and associated with the following products.
Harness and Restraint Systems
Hybrid Harness Belt - US 6,719,326 (alternative sub-strap configuration)
FHR Products and Components
SlipStop - US 7,017,194 (interlocking surface for FHR)
Twist Anchor Clips - US 9,717,296 B2 (Locking clip and anchor assembly for FHR)
Seating Systems
SU-62 & SU-63 Military Seating - US 9,033,412
BEATS - Blast Energy Absorbing Turret Seat - US 2011,0241373 A1
Aircraft Safety Systems
Monument Mounted Airbag - US 2019/0118753 A1