Commercial aviation

Commercial aviation

Every day, SCHROTH seatbelts and restraint systems give millions of passengers and crew the confidence to be in good hands even high above the clouds. Meeting this demand is the driving force for our engineers.

Model 30

PRETENSIONING HEAD ARC REDUCTION SYSTEM The SCHROTH 3-point diagonal restraint system with pretensioner called PHARS (Pretensioning Head Arc Reduction System) is a self-contained restraint system specifically designed to improve occupant protection especially in forward facing and angled seat orientations during a survivable accident. The seat belt is a 3-point restraint system with standard webbing, end-fittings, and push button buckle. The shoulder belt is attached to an inertia reel with an integrated pretensioning system. The pretensioning system is activated by the Mechanical Crash Sensor Unit (MCSU) which is battery powered and entirely independent from aircraft power. The system uses a micro gas generator to retract shoulder strap webbing removing slack between occupant and webbing securing the passenger in the seat. It locks to firmly hold the occupant in position during the impact event. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS Not visible to occupants Independent from aircraft power Passengers cannot alter the system Reduction in webbing slack enhances the restraining of occupants Proven to meet new proposed Spinal Tension loads Proven to meet new Neck Injury (Nij) criteria COMPONENTS 3-Point Restraint System with Inertia Reel Pretensioner The restraint system consists of standard polyester webbing, an inertia reel assembly with pretensioning feature, end-fittings, and a push button buckle assembly. The standard configuration is the same as for conventional 3-point restraints, with the addition of a pretensioning feature in the inertia reel. Mechanical Crash Sensor Unit (MCSU) / Wire Harness The MCSU senses a high impact event and sends a signal for the pretensioner to activate. The unit has a diagnostic tool which checks the squibs and the wiring harness for open connection and short circuits as well as the voltage level of the MCSU. Live fire warning indicators light up when the MCSU is triggering. The customized cable connects the MCSU with up to three retractor pretensioners. For further information please refer to our latest Commercial Aviation Restraints Product Brochure.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
