Better engineering

Better engineering

At SCHROTH, we aim to deliver the best results for our customers. To do that, it‘s not enough to do the right thing, you also have to do it the right way: That‘s why at SCHROTH we encourage ethical behavior, support diversity and make decisions that protect the health and safety of employees and the natural environment.

Corporate Responsibilities


Sustainable Production

Renewable energy
We cover the majority of our energy demand from renewable sources in order to avoid CO2 emissions, reduce our carbon footprint and preserve natural resources at our international production sites.

Environmentally friendly production processes
We reduce waste by recycling materials. In order to make sure that we act responsibly, we have implemented an environmental management system.

Sustainable Products

Durable materials
We are dedicated to supply quality products that last a long time. This is why we use polyester for our restraint webbing which is 4x more durable than commonly used nylon webbing. This increases the lifetime of our restraints by up to 100%

Repair services
We believe in using our natural resources carefully and developing sustainable products. Therefore, we are happy to offer repairing used restraints instead of straight-out replacing them.

We want to leave <br>an impression. <br>But no traces.
Corporate Responsibilities

We want to leave
an impression.
But no traces.

We believe in the goal of a sustainable society: Our products should not only do a good job, they should be produced in a socially and ecologically compatible way. Therefore, recycling and sustainable production are a central part of our efforts.

Corporate Responsibilities


Encourage Diversity

60% female workforce
We encourage women within our workforce evidenced by approximately 60% of our workforce being female

Workforce diversity
We encourage diversity within our workforce evidenced by approximately 40% of our workforce being of Hispanic, African American or Asian ethnicity and/or having a immigrant background

Care about employees

Wellbeing & Health
We care about the wellbeing and health of our employees and actively support our local communities with more than 20 initiatives ranging from flu shots and health checks for employees to holding charity events and sponsoring local museums

Support young talents

We provide scholarships to young talents and specifically encourage young women to foster and develop passion for engineering & technology

Support local community

Welfare organizations
We collaborate with welfare organizations to increase active participation of disabled people in society and at work

One goal.<br>One team.<br>No place for<br>discrimination.
Corporate Responsibilities

One goal.
One team.
No place for

At Schroth, only dedication counts. Nationality, skin color, race, religion, sexual orientation - none of this plays a role in our work. We make great products with great people.

Corporate Responsibilities


Conduct Guidelines

Acting responsibly
We believe that acting responsibly and ethically in all our dealings is paramount. Towards customers, suppliers, our own workforce and towards society. This is why we have established and distributed guidelines to always promote ethical behavior of Schroth employees

Risk mitigation

Data Protection
We take data protection seriously and have established strict policies and routines to protect personal data and ensure data security

Business continuity management
Natural disasters or emergencies often strike without warning. To be prepared, we have implemented a business continuity management that ensures we remain operational whatever happens
